A Virtual Bloom Board index


The bloom board is created once a month by a small group of docents and staff who work as a team. On the first Tuesday of the month Herb Knufken takes the pictures and Barbara Osthaus, Barbara Farley and Allan Dodds walk with him through the SDBG and take notes. The next few days are spent correctly identifying the plants and confirming their locations in the garden. Liz Rozycki usually helps with this. The work is co-ordinated through an interactive online spreadsheet maintained by Allan Dodds, who also finds a web-link for more information on each plant.


Once done, Barbara Osthaus prints out a key and places it in the display cabinet near the gift shop, along with the poster Herb Knufken creates from his 30 pictures. At the same time Nick Ruddick creates an online virtual bloom board from the same images, sometimes supplemented by additional images taken by others.


If you spot an error, please contact allandodds@hotmail.com


March 2011

Cumulative index for 2010-2011

February 2011

January 2011

December 2010

November 2010

October 2010

September 2010

August 2010

July 2010

June 2010

May 2010

April 2010

March 2010

February 2010